Downloading Remote Files with SCP

A quick tutorial showing you how to use SCP to pull remote files to your workstation.

Today we look at how to pull files from your EC2 instance to your local machine using SCP.

Sometimes you just need a remote file on your local workstation, perhaps to avoid additional installation or avoid additional provisioning of your remote instance.

This procedure is useful for:

  • Pulling log files from a remote EC2 instance.
  • Pulling OS specific files from a remote EC2 instance.
  • General data transfer needs.
  1. Login to AWS console.

  2. Spin up a AWS EC2 instance with the Amazon Linux 2023 AMI.

  3. Connect via EC2 instance connect with a SSH session.

  4. Curl a file into the the EC2 instance with the command:

    curl --output database_cowboys.txt

    This creates a text file database_cowboys.txt in your working directory.

  5. Run the command pwd on your SSH session to get the current working directory. This command returns a directory: /home/ec2-user/.

  6. On your local workstation use the SCP client to download the file from your EC2 instance:

    • You will need the key pair used when creating the instance to authenticate to your instance typcially a key-pair.pem file.
    • In your terminal use the command: scp -i ec2key.pem ec2-user@ .

      • This command uses scp to initiate a connection, the -i is the identity file flag which points to ec2key.pem.
      • The ec2-user is the username of your AWS IAM user (defaults to ec2-user).
      • The 12:12:12:12 parameter is the public IPAddress. This can be found on the EC2 dashboard .
      • The path after : is the working directory and the file name of the file you want to copy, in this cases /home/ec2-user/database_cowboys.txt.
      • The . character specifies the local directory as the target for the transfer.